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How I made $750 Trading 1 $50 Stock Option Contract

The world of trading stock options can be overwhelming to say the least but back in 2013 I decided I wanted to learn.

I tried to find a mentor but just couldn't find anyone that didn't over complicate it. An incredible friend of mine stepped into that gap for me and became my mentor and I am so grateful for her knowledge, & wisdom she has shared with me along the way.

It takes patience and perseverance but once you see it, & you understand how it works, there is nothing more fun and fulfilling than to know you are changing your family tree and blessing them with the knowledge to never struggle and be able to bless those around them as well. If you have a desire to learn how to trade options, I recommend you find a way to do it!

There is a common misconception that you can lose alot of money trading options, I have heard so many times... Is Options trading for beginners? The answer is YES! You can only lose the amount you spend on the contract, if you are doing it right. So in this instance I purchased a $50 contract so my max loss was $50, I was comfortable losing the entire contract because I kept it low risk and I understood the direction of the market.

Here's my trade -I jumped into a trade earlier only to have it pull back, but I always set a stoploss to protect my account so it dumped me out with a small loss, then I waited, and once I saw my entry marked below I was in and rode it down.

1 $50 contract on SPX and it ran 1409% for $750! Take a peek at my chart below.

I waited for the trend break and entered once direction was confirmed and sold when we started to pull back and chop around. This was a day trade, so I was in longer with this one but I was able to work on my boutique business while it ran on another screen.

Where can you sit in your PJ's and make $750 with just a couple clicks of a button?

If there is ever something that interests you, go for it. You can only change what you are willing to work for. It's so worth it!!



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