Do you have inner peace or is anxiety more your thing?
I started a new study this week that I hope one day turns into a devotional. Inner peace - what a concept!
It feels like our society as a whole has more stress, more anxiety and more struggles than peace. Our fears seem to drown out the ability to sit comfortably with peace surrounding us.
My past from a previous marriage created in me what feels like at times an insurmountable amount of anxiety. My only hope is in God, that he provides the peace that we cannot even comprehend. When the world is falling apart around us, may the God of peace blanket us with divine inner peace.
Philippians 4:6,7 says it this way;“Don’t fret or be anxious about anything, but by
prayer and petitions, with thanksgiving let your wants and needs (that
trouble you and make you anxious) be known to God. And the peace of God,
that passes all understanding shall keep guard over your hearts and minds
in Christ Jesus.”
Knowing we have a heavenly father that chooses peace to guard our hearts and minds is a beautiful thought and one I am determined to lean into during this season of study and growth on this specific subject. I will share what I am learning along the way. I hope you stick around and grow with me.
XOXO - Heather